Key players in the Placentia Bay Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Project: a social network analysis

Key players in the Placentia Bay Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Project: a social network analysis

Ryan’s Masters research project is focusing on social perceptions of salmon aquaculture through a specific case study in Newfoundland, Canada. His research is aiming to use social network analysis to describe the common perceptions or coalitions with regards to the Grieg Aquaculture Project in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. This work will help inform decision-makers on the key players associated with salmon aquaculture in Newfoundland who should be consulted in future salmon aquaculture developments.

See Ryan’s project poster from the 2019 SeaFarmers conference here

NEW PAPER: “Key players in the Grieg NL Placentia Bay Atlantic Salmon Aquaculture Project: A social network analysis
