Jon Grant is the NSERC-Cooke Industrial Research Chair in Sustainable Aquaculture, beginning a multi- year partnership with Cooke Aquaculture, the largest domestic fish farming company in North America. He is a Professor of Oceanography at Dalhousie University. Trained as a benthic ecologist, he has a BSc from Duke University and PhD from the University of South Carolina. Jon has worked in aquaculture- environment interactions for 30 years and is co-editor of a new book entitled ‘Goods and services of marine bivalves’.
Working with both the shellfish and finfish farming industry, Jon has pioneered concepts and tools for assessing carrying capacity in field culture. This work has led to rigorous application of ecosystem-based management and marine spatial planning to aquaculture, including incorporation of ocean technology, remote sensing and GIS. Jon led the development of the Aquaculture theme in the new Ocean Frontier Institute, the largest marine science initiative in Canadian history